
Posts Tagged ‘8’

What is a guilty pleasure? When a person says “Oh, my favorite show is Hannah Montana” or “My favorite song is Funkytown” do we automaticly assume it’s really a guilty pleasure when the speaker sees the shocked and slightly sickened faces we have on and straight out says it’s some sort of guilty pleasure. I mean, it almost makes sense. I think that for people ages 12-40, Hannah Montana and Funkytown are guilty pleasures. But what is one, exactly? I was watching a special on E  one night about the top 50 guilty pleasures or something and they said that Gilmore Girls was a guilty pleasure. Now, if I have any constant readers, you all know that Gilmore Girls is only my favorite show in the history of shows that could be in the running as a Sam Renatolli favorite. I have aboslutly no problem admitting it, but is it still this thing that the call a guilty pleasure. What next? Will they declare Casablanca a guilty pleasure movie too? Everything in the world of entertainment is falling into Jokers Wild now, isn’t it?

“Your love is like a tidal wave spinnin’ over my head drowning me in your promises, better left unsaid.” Why do men feel the need to lie? To lie to wives, girlfriends, hookers, everything? Do they think we’re stupid enough, naive enough to believe whatever lie they’re telling us? I mean, my love life’s in the toilet, I haven’t had a boyfriend in two years but still, I get things. Even the smallest of lies set us through the roof. I think we just shouldn’t take it anymore. “Honey, I’m going to the hardware store to buy a new toolbox.” (toolbox, dirty tee hee), you go with him. I mean, every woman needs some new nails or perhaps a new drill to match the drapes. Go with him. He can’t go to a strip club with you watching over his shoulder. Ahaha, no.


Bibi from the Loser Table!

Sam Renatolli

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